

Insecure-Ambivalent Attachment: Effects on Self & Relationships

Reading Time: 4 minutesIn John Bowlby’s attachment theory, ambivalent insecure attachment is categorized as a distinct type of attachment. While it shares some similarities with avoidant insecure attachment, there are significant differences between the two. Previous articles have explored both the secure attachment style and the avoidant insecure attachment. Common characteristics of ambivalent insecure attachment include low self-confidence, […]

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Insecure-Avoidant Attachment: Impact on Relationships & Self

Reading Time: 4 minutesInsecure-avoidant attachment is one of the patterns described in John Bowlby’s attachment theory, which includes: A previous article covered both the theory and secure attachment in detail. Like secure attachment, the insecure-avoidant pattern develops during infancy through early experiences with caregivers. The key difference lies in the quality of interaction and bonding, particularly in how

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Unveiling the Impact of Attachment Theory on Childhood Development and Mental Health

Reading Time: 6 minutesWhy is childhood important for our mental health? Most of us have encountered individuals—perhaps even ourselves—who attribute their current physical, emotional, or mental state to their upbringing. These people often point to their childhood experiences and their parents’ influence as the root cause of their present difficulties. But is this a valid explanation or merely

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Mastering the Art of Saying No: Empowering Yourself for a Balanced Life

Reading Time: 8 minutes“No” is a tiny word, yet it sparks considerable discussion about its importance and evokes intense emotions. Many of us find it challenging to say no. What holds us back? What scares and stops us? In situations where we’d like to say no, we often feel pressured and “obligated” to do things or be in

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Panic Attacks: Understanding and Overcoming Anxiety

Reading Time: 6 minutesA panic attack is a brief period of intense fear or anxiety that peaks within 10 minutes. It typically subsides within 20 to 30 minutes and rarely lasts more than an hour. In contrast, periods of anxiety usually have a gradual onset and persist longer. To classify an event as a full panic attack, there

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Understanding Social Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, and Impact on Daily Life

Reading Time: 6 minutesSocial anxiety refers to anxiety characterized by emotional distress and fear in social situations, interactions with others, and when being evaluated, scrutinized, or closely observed by people. A Few Words About Social Anxiety Social anxiety may be associated with shyness, anxiety disorders, or other emotional and temperamental factors, but its exact nature remains a subject

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Stress and Anxiety: Causes, Effects, and Coping Strategies

Reading Time: 14 minutesMost people experience stress and anxiety at some point in their lives. Depending on the severity, these experiences can significantly impact one’s quality of life. While stress and anxiety share many emotional and physical symptoms, such as: their origins are distinctly different. An Introduction to Stress Stress is a normal bodily response activated when an

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Unlocking the Power of Willpower: Strategies for Achieving Your Goals

Reading Time: 5 minutesUnlocking the Power of Willpower: Strategies for Achieving Your Goals Willpower refers to our ability to discipline ourselves to achieve the goals we set in our lives. These goals can be either short-term or long-term. For example: It’s common to set New Year’s resolutions—goals we aim to achieve in the coming year. Unfortunately, we often

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An image with a sad man

Sadness: Evolution, Coping, and Common Misunderstandings

Reading Time: 3 minutesSadness: Evolution, Coping, and Common Misunderstandings Sadness is one of the basic emotions, often described as emotional pain. The feelings associated with sadness include: The most commonly reported causes of sadness are: Sadness is a mood that most people try to avoid. However, some people use counterproductive coping strategies to deal with it, such as:

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Tired man distracted from computer work and procrastinate

Understanding and Overcoming Procrastination: Tips and Strategies for Success

Reading Time: 4 minutesWhat is procrastination? Procrastination is the tendency to avoid stressful, unpleasant, or uncomfortable situations. Although these situations are often important, we typically replace them with less significant or less stressful tasks. We all experience periods where, despite having obligations to fulfill (work, reading, etc.), something prevents us from starting. Sometimes, we procrastinate to a lesser

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